Pour Moi Discount Codes for May 2024

Save money with these 4 Pour Moi voucher codes & deals

Offers for Pour Moi were last updated Friday 3 May 2024 05:13

About Pour Moi

Founded in 1998, Pour Moi has everything you need, whether you’re getting ready for the beach or bed. Pour Moi designs all their pieces themselves, with a focus on two things: comfort and style. So, with sizes from A cups to J cups, you can be sure that whatever you pick up from them will look and feel great. And if you’re looking to pick up some new nightwear or lingerie for less, look at our voucher codes and deals to see how much you can save today.

Payment Methods
Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, PayPal.

Contact Information
Phone: 01625 568204 or 01625 568206.
Email: sales@pourmoi.co.uk
Other: contact form

Pour Moi Ltd,
Queens Avenue,
Hurdsfield Industrial Estate,
SK10 2BN

What We Love
Regular sales
Newsletter discounts
Range of sizes

Delivery & Returns FAQs

Can I get free delivery?
Yes! Pour Moi offer free delivery on orders over £60, for orders below its £3.95.
Does Pour Moi have next day delivery?
They do, If you spend £60 or more next day delivery is £2.50. For orders under £60 next day delivery costs £6.
Can I return my order?
Yes, you can return your order for free up to 30 days after receiving it provided items are unworn and have labels still attached. Swimwear must still have the hygiene strip attached.
How do I return my order?
Simply head over to the Pour Moi [Return Page](https://pourmoi.intelligentreturns.net/main/landing) and follow the instructions.

Ways to Save

By signing up for the Pour Moi newsletter, you can save 10% on your first order with exclusive access to future deals and offers.

Pour Moi has regular sales with up to 70% off orders, so be sure to check back here or on their sale page so you don't miss significant savings.

If you spend over £60, you can get free delivery, usually £3.95. Or if you prefer next-day delivery, the cost is just £2.50 on orders over £60 compared to £6 typically.

If you refer a friend and they make a purchase, you can earn 15% for you and your friend.

How to use your {merchant} discount code

Follow these instructions to apply your {merchant} discount code and unlock a saving:

  1. Take a look at our available {merchant} discount codes and find the one that works best for your shopping needs.
  2. Once you’ve found your code, head over to the {merchant} website and start shopping!
  3. Find everything you like and add it to your basket.
  4. When you’re happy with everything you’ve added, you can begin the checkout process.
  5. Enter your details and your discount code into the promo code box.
  6. Hit the ‘Apply’ button to watch your total bill shrink.

How do we source discount codes?

At MyVoucherCodes, we’re lucky to have a team of hard-working individuals who are dedicated to finding you the best possible discount codes, deals and offers that are currently available. We also work closely with retailers to secure exclusive promotions; providing you with unique savings that you won’t find anywhere else.

We keep in touch with retailers and brands

Based in London, our Commercial team is a key part of everything we do. They know the industry, and they work tirelessly to build relationships with big-name retailers in order to secure exclusive offers and rewards that are then passed on to our customers. They keep their ear to the ground for any upcoming offers and sale events too, meaning we’re always ahead of the game when it comes to updating our website.

Our team scours the web for discounts

They work in tandem with our Deal Experts, who can be found at our Cardiff office. These deal-finding wizards scour the web for all of the best discounts and promotions around, before loading them onto our website for customers to enjoy. They also work closely with affiliate networks that keep us informed of the latest offers for the retailers they represent. Our dedicated retailer pages are updated at least twice a week, meaning you can be confident that the voucher codes you’re seeing are up-to-date and valid.

We share our money-saving knowledge

On our retailer pages, you’ll notice in-depth information about the brand and researched hints and tips on how to save money when shopping online. This is where our Category Editors come in - they know a thing or two when it comes to savvy shopping. From technology, health & beauty and fashion to food & drink, home & garden and travel, they keep all pages up to date with content that is designed to make your shopping experience that little bit easier and to help you save money in the process. For more information on the MyVoucherCodes team and the company as a whole, be sure to check out our About Us page.

What if my discount code doesn't work?

As a collaborative team, we do our best to ensure that incorrect or outdated discount codes and offers aren’t listed on any of our retailer pages. To do this, we test the codes ourselves to make sure that they work and aim to give as much guidance as possible with regard to how they are supposed to be used.

However, sometimes details change or codes expire without us knowing. If you find this to be the case, you can get in touch by emailing info@myvouchercodes.co.uk or by visiting our contact page.

How we make money

Using our discount codes is totally free, although we understand that this may seem too good to be true. Like all businesses, we need to make money, and we do this via commission-based relationships with brands and retailers - we earn a small percentage from the retailer every time someone uses a code on our website or clicks through to a sale.

We also make money by offering the brands we work with the chance to buy some extra space on our website, in turn giving more exposure to their biggest and best discounts. And that’s it! By using this model, we’re able to do what we do without charging our customers a penny.

MyVoucherCodes is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.