BBQs on a Budget

Summer's here which means only one thing, BBQ season. But how do you save and host a great summer get-together? We've got you covered.

A closeup image of a steaks, sausages and slices of orange on a charcoal BBQ grill.
(Image credit: Getty)

Having friends and family over at the weekend or on a bank holiday for a big old barbecue is a key part of the British summer. However, the guest list can quickly grow and it can quickly become an expensive event.

Have no fear though, we’re here to offer you a range of ways to save on those get-togethers without sacrificing the fun or hurting the wallet too much. We’ve written before about how to save on groceries when doing your weekly shop, so why not give BBQs the same treatment?

Jordan Alexander
Food & Drink Editor

I’m Jordan and I’ve been working at MyVoucherCodes since the summer of 2021. Outside of money-saving, I’m a keen musician and guitar player and can regularly be found in a dingy venue somewhere in Bristol or perched in front of my laptop recording. When I’m not doing this you’ll find me exploring the city, watching cult B movies, reading a Stephen King or Murakami novel, or guiding the mighty Bath City to Champions League glory on Football Manager. All the cliches, I know.