When is the Best Time to Buy Kitchen Appliances?

A new kitchen appliance can be an expensive purchase, so when is the best time to buy kitchen appliances?

Lights from appliances, including a washing machine, dishwasher, microwave and oven in a dark kitchen.
(Image credit: Getty)

New kitchen appliances are a purchase that can really break the bank, whether it’s out of necessity after one breaking down or just giving your kitchen a little refresh. However, despite being a costly purchase, timing your purchase can get you your new appliance with that little bit extra left in your pocket. Whether it’s down to manufacturers moving into new product ranges or retailers just trying to entice customers into getting that purchase over the line, the timing of your purchase can make a huge difference. 

Our team has written a general guide before of when the best time to shop is. But when is the best time of year to purchase kitchen appliances? Have no fear we’ve dived into the pricing history of products using Pricerunner to find out.  

Jordan Alexander
Food & Drink Editor

I’m Jordan and I’ve been working at MyVoucherCodes since the summer of 2021. Outside of money-saving, I’m a keen musician and guitar player and can regularly be found in a dingy venue somewhere in Bristol or perched in front of my laptop recording. When I’m not doing this you’ll find me exploring the city, watching cult B movies, reading a Stephen King or Murakami novel, or guiding the mighty Bath City to Champions League glory on Football Manager. All the cliches, I know.